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মেটলাইফ ডিপজিটরস প্রটেকশন স্কিম এর ইলাস্ট্রেশনস

Insurance Benefits and Projected Maturity Value under MetLife Depositor’s Protection Scheme -Platinum

Insurance Benefits and Projected Maturity Value under MetLife Depositor’s Protection Scheme -Platinum

Age 20
           Projected Maturity Value@ Crediting Interest Rate (CIR) of
Term Life Coverage Additional Accidental Coverage CI Benefit  Daily In-Hospital Benefit (0.5% of Life Coverage) 5% 7%
7 420,000 840,000 420,000 2,100 458,928 495,621
8 480,000 960,000 480,000 2,400 536,555 585,310
9 540,000 1,080,000 540,000 2,700 622,113 685,976
10 600,000 1,200,000 600,000 3,000 706,533 787,186
11 660,000 1,320,000 660,000 3,300 785,947 884,885
12 720,000 1,440,000 720,000 3,600 877,035 998,003
13 780,000 1,560,000 780,000 3,900 977,664 1,125,279
14 840,000 1,680,000 840,000 4,200 1,082,801 1,260,855
15 900,000 1,800,000 900,000 4,500 1,179,879 1,388,326
16 960,000 1,920,000 960,000 4,800 1,293,984 1,540,892
17 1,020,000 2,040,000 1,020,000 5,100 1,413,205 1,703,364
18 1,080,000 2,160,000 1,080,000 5,400 1,537,736 1,876,406
19 1,140,000 2,280,000 1,140,000 5,700 1,667,876 2,060,695
20 1,200,000 2,400,000 1,200,000 6,000 1,795,629 2,245,072
Age 35
          Projected Maturity Value@ Crediting Interest Rate (CIR) of
Term Life Coverage Additional Accidental Coverage* CI Benefit*  Daily In-Hospital Benefit (0.5% of Life Coverage*) 5% 7%
8 480,000 960,000 480,000 2,400 535,113 583,854
9 540,000 1,080,000 540,000 2,700 620,063 683,885
10 600,000 1,200,000 600,000 3,000 703,669 784,223
11 660,000 1,320,000 660,000 3,300 781,954 880,752
12 720,000 1,440,000 720,000 3,600 871,704 992,482
13 780,000 1,560,000 780,000 3,900 970,805 1,118,099
14 840,000 1,680,000 840,000 4,200 1,074,143 1,251,720
15 900,000 1,800,000 900,000 4,500 1,168,782 1,376,522
16 960,000 1,920,000 960,000 4,800 1,280,277 1,526,191
17 1,020,000 2,040,000 1,020,000 5,100 1,396,516 1,685,293
18 1,080,000 2,160,000 1,080,000 5,400 1,517,516 1,854,301
19 1,140,000 2,280,000 1,140,000 5,700 1,643,616 2,033,967
20 1,200,000 2,400,000 1,200,000 6,000 1,766,491 2,212,531
Age 45
          Projected Maturity Value@ Crediting Interest Rate (CIR) of
Term Life Coverage Additional Accidental Coverage** CI Benefit*  Daily In-Hospital Benefit (0.5% of Life Coverage*) 5% 7%
8 480,000 960,000 480,000 2,400 527,946 576,261
9 540,000 1,080,000 540,000 2,700 610,470 673,661
10 600,000 1,200,000 600,000 3,000 691,007 770,538
11 660,000 1,320,000 660,000 3,300 765,386 862,666
12 720,000 1,440,000 720,000 3,600 850,642 969,343
13 780,000 1,560,000 780,000 3,900 944,608 1,089,140
14 840,000 1,680,000 840,000 4,200 1,042,010 1,215,834
15 900,000 1,800,000 900,000 4,500 1,129,069 1,331,791
16 960,000 1,920,000 960,000 4,800 1,232,442 1,471,777
17 1,020,000 2,040,000 1,020,000 5,100 1,339,192 1,619,720
18 1,080,000 2,160,000 1,080,000 5,400 1,449,572 1,775,777
19 1,140,000 2,280,000 1,140,000 5,700 1,563,319 1,940,282
20 1,200,000 2,400,000 1,200,000 6,000 1,671,115 2,100,708
Age 54
          Projected Maturity Value@ Crediting Interest Rate (CIR) of
Term Life Coverage Additional Accidental Coverage* CI Benefit*  Daily In-Hospital Benefit (0.5% of Life Coverage*) 5% 7%
8 480,000 960,000 480,000 2,400 512,009 559,371
9 540,000 1,080,000 540,000 2,700 588,836 650,742
10 600,000 1,200,000 600,000 3,000 662,005 739,665
11 660,000 1,320,000 660,000 3,300 726,810 821,292
12 720,000 1,440,000 720,000 3,600 800,984 915,481
13 780,000 1,560,000 720,000 3,900 882,398 1,021,199
14 840,000 1,680,000 720,000 4,200 964,655 1,130,966
15 900,000 1,800,000 720,000 4,500 1,031,402 1,223,992
16 960,000 1,920,000 720,000 4,800 1,112,803 1,339,102
17 1,020,000 2,040,000 720,000 5,100 1,193,469 1,457,716
18 1,080,000 2,160,000 720,000 5,400 1,272,783 1,578,945
19 1,140,000 2,280,000 720,000 5,700 1,349,809 1,701,910
20 1,200,000 2,400,000 720,000 6,000 1,411,160 1,810,126

Insurance Benefits and Projected Maturity Value under MetLife Depositor’s Protection Scheme- Gold

Insurance Benefits and Projected Maturity Value under MetLife Depositor’s Protection Scheme- Gold

Age 20
                  Projected Maturity Value@ Crediting Interest Rate (CIR) of
                   Term    Life Coverage Additional Accidental Coverage CI Benefit 5% 7%
7 420,000 840,000 420,000 458,928 495,621
8 480,000 960,000 480,000 536,555 585,310
9 540,000 1,080,000 540,000 622,113 685,976
10 600,000 1,200,000 600,000 706,533 787,186
11 660,000 1,320,000 660,000 785,947 884,885
12 720,000 1,440,000 720,000 877,035 998,003
13 780,000 1,560,000 780,000 977,664 1,125,279
14 840,000 1,680,000 840,000 1,082,801 1,260,855
15 900,000 1,800,000 900,000 1,179,879 1,388,326
16 960,000 1,920,000 960,000 1,293,984 1,540,892
17 1,020,000 2,040,000 1,020,000 1,413,205 1,703,364
18 1,080,000 2,160,000 1,080,000 1,537,736 1,876,406
19 1,140,000 2,280,000 1,140,000 1,667,876 2,060,695
20 1,200,000 2,400,000 1,200,000 1,795,629 2,245,072
Age 35
        Projected Maturity Value@ Crediting Interest Rate (CIR) of
Term Life Coverage Additional Accidental Coverage CI Benefit 5% 7%
9 540,000 1,080,000 540,000 620,063 683,885
10 600,000 1,200,000 600,000 703,669 784,223
11 660,000 1,320,000 660,000 781,954 880,752
12 720,000 1,440,000 720,000 871,704 992,482
13 780,000 1,560,000 780,000 970,805 1,118,099
14 840,000 1,680,000 840,000 1,074,143 1,251,720
15 900,000 1,800,000 900,000 1,168,782 1,376,522
16 960,000 1,920,000 960,000 1,280,277 1,526,191
17 1,020,000 2,040,000 1,020,000 1,396,516 1,685,293
18 1,080,000 2,160,000 1,080,000 1,517,516 1,854,301
19 1,140,000 2,280,000 1,140,000 1,643,616 2,033,967
20 1,200,000 2,400,000 1,200,000 1,766,491 2,212,531
Age 45
        Projected Maturity Value@ Crediting Interest Rate (CIR) of
Term Life Coverage Additional Accidental Coverage CI Benefit 5% 7%
8 480,000 960,000 480,000 527,946 576,261
9 540,000 1,080,000 540,000 610,470 673,661
10 600,000 1,200,000 600,000 691,007 770,538
11 660,000 1,320,000 660,000 765,386 862,666
12 720,000 1,440,000 720,000 850,642 969,343
13 780,000 1,560,000 780,000 944,608 1,089,140
14 840,000 1,680,000 840,000 1,042,010 1,215,834
15 900,000 1,800,000 900,000 1,129,069 1,331,791
16 960,000 1,920,000 960,000 1,232,442 1,471,777
17 1,020,000 2,040,000 1,020,000 1,339,192 1,619,720
18 1,080,000 2,160,000 1,080,000 1,449,572 1,775,777
19 1,140,000 2,280,000 1,140,000 1,563,319 1,940,282
20 1,200,000 2,400,000 1,200,000 1,671,115 2,100,708
Age 54
        Projected Maturity Value@ Crediting Interest Rate (CIR) of
Term Life Coverage Additional Accidental Coverage CI Benefit 5% 7%
8 480,000 960,000 480,000 512,009 559,371
9 540,000 1,080,000 540,000 588,836 650,742
10 600,000 1,200,000 600,000 662,005 739,665
11 660,000 1,320,000 660,000 726,810 821,292
12 720,000 1,440,000 720,000 800,984 915,481
13 780,000 1,560,000 780,000 882,398 1,021,199
14 840,000 1,680,000 840,000 964,655 1,130,966
15 900,000 1,800,000 900,000 1,031,402 1,223,992
16 960,000 1,920,000 960,000 1,112,803 1,339,102
17 1,020,000 2,040,000 1,020,000 1,193,469 1,457,716
18 1,080,000 2,160,000 1,080,000 1,272,783 1,578,945
19 1,140,000 2,280,000 1,140,000 1,349,809 1,701,910
20 1,200,000 2,400,000 1,200,000 1,411,160 1,810,126

Insurance Benefits and Projected Maturity Value under MetLife Depositor’s Protection Scheme -Silver

Insurance Benefits and Projected Maturity Value under MetLife Depositor’s Protection Scheme -Silver

Age 20
      Projected Maturity Value@ Crediting Interest Rate (CIR) of
Term Life Coverage Additional Accidental Coverage 5% 7%
7 420,000 840,000 458,928 495,621
8 480,000 960,000 536,555 585,310
9 540,000 1,080,000 622,113 685,976
10 600,000 1,200,000 706,533 787,186
11 660,000 1,320,000 785,947 884,885
12 720,000 1,440,000 877,035 998,003
13 780,000 1,560,000 977,664 1,125,279
14 840,000 1,680,000 1,082,801 1,260,855
15 900,000 1,800,000 1,179,879 1,388,326
16 960,000 1,920,000 1,293,984 1,540,892
17 1,020,000 2,040,000 1,413,205 1,703,364
18 1,080,000 2,160,000 1,537,736 1,876,406
19 1,140,000 2,280,000 1,667,876 2,060,695
20 1,200,000 2,400,000 1,795,629 2,245,072
Age 35
      Projected Maturity Value@ Crediting Interest Rate (CIR) of
Term Life Coverage Additional Accidental Coverage 5% 7%
7 420,000 840,000 457,978 494,657
8 480,000 960,000 535,113 583,854
9 540,000 1,080,000 620,063 683,885
10 600,000 1,200,000 703,669 784,223
11 660,000 1,320,000 781,954 880,752
12 720,000 1,440,000 871,704 992,482
13 780,000 1,560,000 970,805 1,118,099
14 840,000 1,680,000 1,074,143 1,251,720
15 900,000 1,800,000 1,168,782 1,376,522
16 960,000 1,920,000 1,280,277 1,526,191
17 1,020,000 2,040,000 1,396,516 1,685,293
18 1,080,000 2,160,000 1,517,516 1,854,301
19 1,140,000 2,280,000 1,643,616 2,033,967
20 1,200,000 2,400,000 1,766,491 2,212,531
Age 45
      Projected Maturity Value@ Crediting Interest Rate (CIR) of
Term Life Coverage Additional Accidental Coverage* 5% 7%
7 420,000 840,000 452,888 489,291
8 480,000 960,000 527,946 576,261
9 540,000 1,080,000 610,470 673,661
10 600,000 1,200,000 691,007 770,538
11 660,000 1,320,000 765,386 862,666
12 720,000 1,440,000 850,642 969,343
13 780,000 1,560,000 944,608 1,089,140
14 840,000 1,680,000 1,042,010 1,215,834
15 900,000 1,800,000 1,129,069 1,331,791
16 960,000 1,920,000 1,232,442 1,471,777
17 1,020,000 2,040,000 1,339,192 1,619,720
18 1,080,000 2,160,000 1,449,572 1,775,777
19 1,140,000 2,280,000 1,563,319 1,940,282
20 1,200,000 2,400,000 1,671,115 2,100,708
Age 54
      Projected Maturity Value@ Crediting Interest Rate (CIR) of
Term Life Coverage Additional Accidental Coverage* 5% 7%
7 420,000 840,000 441,718 477,520
8 480,000 960,000 512,009 559,371
9 540,000 1,080,000 588,836 650,742
10 600,000 1,200,000 662,005 739,665
11 660,000 1,320,000 726,810 821,292
12 720,000 1,440,000 800,984 915,481
13 780,000 1,560,000 882,398 1,021,199
14 840,000 1,680,000 964,655 1,130,966
15 900,000 1,800,000 1,031,402 1,223,992
16 960,000 1,920,000 1,112,803 1,339,102
17 1,020,000 2,040,000 1,193,469 1,457,716
18 1,080,000 2,160,000 1,272,783 1,578,945
19 1,140,000 2,280,000 1,349,809 1,701,910
20 1,200,000 2,400,000 1,411,160 1,810,126

Insurance Benefits and Projected Maturity Value under MetLife Depositor’s Protection Scheme -Bronze

Insurance Benefits and Projected Maturity Value under MetLife Depositor’s Protection Scheme -Bronze:

Age 20
    Projected Maturity Value@ Crediting Interest Rate (CIR) of
Term Additional Accidental Coverage 5% 7%
7 840,000 461,927 498,854
9 1,080,000 627,467 691,879
10 1,200,000 713,380 794,846
11 1,320,000 794,580 894,663
12 1,440,000 887,674 1,010,194
13 1,560,000 990,526 1,140,228
14 1,680,000 1,098,165 1,278,940
15 1,800,000 1,198,190 1,410,190
16 1,920,000 1,315,463 1,566,882
17 2,040,000 1,438,207 1,734,051
18 2,160,000 1,566,681 1,912,402
19 2,280,000 1,701,159 2,102,692
20 2,400,000 1,833,859 2,293,987
Age 35
    Projected Maturity Value@ Crediting Interest Rate (CIR) of
Term Additional Accidental Coverage* 5% 7%
8 960,000 540,580 589,708
9 1,080,000 627,396 691,825
10 1,200,000 713,286 794,772
11 1,320,000 794,437 894,554
12 1,440,000 887,492 1,010,052
13 1,560,000 990,330 1,140,073
14 1,680,000 1,097,955 1,278,770
15 1,800,000 1,197,889 1,409,937
16 1,920,000 1,315,140 1,566,607
17 2,040,000 1,437,860 1,733,751
18 2,160,000 1,566,310 1,912,076
19 2,280,000 1,700,761 2,102,336
20 2,400,000 1,833,374 2,293,544
Age 45
    Projected Maturity Value@ Crediting Interest Rate (CIR) of
Term Additional Accidental Coverage* 5% 7%
8 960,000 540,227 589,410
9 1,080,000 627,018 691,500
10 1,200,000 712,800 794,342
11 1,320,000 793,767 893,973
12 1,440,000 886,662 1,009,310
13 1,560,000 989,445 1,139,267
14 1,680,000 1,097,008 1,277,894
15 1,800,000 1,196,589 1,408,690
16 1,920,000 1,313,753 1,565,254
17 2,040,000 1,436,381 1,732,284
18 2,160,000 1,564,732 1,910,485
19 2,280,000 1,699,077 2,100,611
20 2,400,000 1,831,369 2,291,439
Age 54
    Projected Maturity Value@ Crediting Interest Rate (CIR) of
Term Additional Accidental Coverage* 5% 7%
8 960,000 539,461 588,769
9 1,080,000 626,198 690,803
10 1,200,000 711,741 793,416
11 1,320,000 792,290 892,710
12 1,440,000 884,829 1,007,694
13 1,560,000 987,484 1,137,511
14 1,680,000 1,094,913 1,275,987
15 1,800,000 1,193,689 1,405,954
16 1,920,000 1,310,657 1,562,287
17 2,040,000 1,433,076 1,729,063
18 2,160,000 1,561,204 1,906,990
19 2,280,000 1,695,311 2,096,818
20 2,400,000 1,826,869 2,286,799
  1. Kindly note that crediting interest rates depends on investment return and other external factors including market interest rates and regulatory capital requirements. Also, please note that crediting interest rates may vary which may affect values shown in the above table.
  2. Accidental coverage expires at age 65 years
  3. Critical Illness and waiver of Premium Coverage expire at age 60 years
  4. Coverage period of In-Hospital benefit will be the same as your Life Policy’s coverage period or 12 years whichever is lower or the maximum expiry age of sixty (60) years.
  5. The Critical Illness Benefit, shown in the above table, is equal to 100% of the Face Amount for ages 18 to 54 years and for terms 5 to 20 years. However, 50% of the Face Amount of Critical Illness Benefit is also available for ages 45 to 54 years and for terms 13 to 20 years.
  6. If you become Permanently and Totally Disabled due to Accident or Sickness within sixty (60) years, you will not be required to pay premiums for the remaining term of the Policy and Supplementary Contracts.  MetLife will pay all premiums on your behalf. You will be entitled to receive all the coverage and the projected Maturity Value mentioned in the above table.
  7. If you are hospitalized due to Accident or Sickness, In-hospital Benefit rider will provide daily fixed in-hospital cash at the rate of 0.5% of Face Amount or BDT 20,000, whichever is lower.  Coverage duration for In-Hospital coverage will be similar to policy term or maximum twelve (12) years subject to the maximum expiry age of sixty (60) years.